
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Qigong?

Qigong (chi kung) is an exercise for cultivating qi (life force energy). It originated in China thousands of years ago. People who practice Qigong have reported increased energy, healing in the body, and improved vitality.

What is TaiQi (Taiji)?

TaiQi quan is a soft martial art that will benefit the health of mind and body.

What are the benefits of TaiQi?

Improve balance, circulation, and stamina; increase muscle strength, spacial awareness, and cognitive function.

Why do you spell Taiji as TaiQi?

I see TaiQi as a way of life and teach it using Qigong, meridien stretching, and Taiji quan as it was taught to me. Hemce, we feel it to be a complete system and as such my teacher gave it the name TaiQi. I continue that tradition in my teachings.

What is Qi?

Qi (chi) is the essential life force energy that is a fundamental force in all things. Everything in existance contains Qi.

What can Qigong do for me?

Qigong can do many things. What it does depends largely on one's intention while practicing. The movements are only part of the equation.

-Dr. Mehmet Oz said, 'If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong.'

Is this a religion?

No, Qigong is an exercise not a religion. It was developed by the ancient Taoist hermits but there is no requirement to change your beliefs in order to practice and benefit from Qigong.

Do you have to be fit?

No, you do not have to already be fit to practice Qigong. The movements are slow and graceful so there is very little risk of injury. However, you may find yourself getting stronger and having more stamina as your practice progresses. One may modify a form to work within their abilities. Later they may modify the form further as their ability increases.

Are there side-effects?

It is rare but possible to have some belching or passing gas in the early stages of your practice. This is stagnant and disharmonious qi being removed from your energy system.

How long does it take to learn?

Learning the basic set of movements in a given form can be learned in 10-20 hours of practice, sometimes less, depending on skill and prior knowledge. Once you know the movements you can move deeper into the qi and gain greater understanding through the 100 day practice. Practicing a single form for 100 days consecutively will be your first step onto the path of mastery of yourself.

-'Practicing Qigong is so simple and so powerful. You cannot do it wrong. You can only do it good, better, or best.' Chunyi Lin